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< Back  < Products < Nerveäna   > Nerveäna® Simulation US Patent # 8,467,844 & 8,634,894
Test Drive Nerveäna’s Sight,
Sound and Touch Experience

Simple, Reliable, Nerve Location

The Nerveäna® combines a nerve stimulator and an electromyographic (EMG) monitor into an integrated surgical tool. A surgical instrument, enhanced to become a monopolar probe, continuously applies a stimulation pulse to soft tissue while the EMG monitor detects, interprets and records muscle response evoked by stimulation. Once an evoked EMG is identified, the Nerveäna® produces an audio alarm allowing the surgeon to maintain attention on the surgical field. The Nerveäna® significantly reduces nerve location time while improving patient safety and decreasing surgeon stress during difficult dissections.

Product Simulation Test Drive
Move your cursor over nerves to experience the audio and visual feedback of the Nerveäna®.
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